nookish guest #2

our kween kiran: on spindrift, pride & prejudice, a mongolian folk metal band, & writing

welcome back to this month’s edition of nookish guest: kiran! i first found kiran through her review of lapvona. from then on, we’ve done a few buddy reads, a few youtube lives, and really she has become a dear dear friend. now we gossip, tells me if i should go out or not, and if i should cop or drop certain things when i’m having an anxiety attack in the fitting room. oh, and we send each other tiktoks lol. she’s the literati carmen sandiego. she’s the one you go to for the best booker books. a style icon, a legend, and really, THE moment!

you can find kiran here.

also, please stay updated on her newsletter! it’s smart, sexy, and incredibly informative. you will be 10x smarter after reading her writing.

now, let’s get to the questions!

🥮 describe the view outside your window.

crimson leaves and suburban streets

🥮 what’s your food of the month?

i’m back in america for the next few weeks so I’m drinking spindrift water and starbucks cold brew with vanilla sweet cream. while i’m here, i’m also spending a decent amount of time in nyc. each time I’m in the city, i force myself to try a new restaurant. it’s an interesting exercise which both excites and frustrates me.

🥮 what’s your elevator pitch?

🥮 what are you reading now?

🥮 what are you watching now?

pride and prejudice - they are taking it off netflix and i am distraught!

going to watch the love witch before the month is over.

🥮 current obsessions?

  • mcnally editions - they feel so lovely in my hands and play with my expectations of the novel.

  • qriting as a vocation

  • ursula parrott – the original ex-wife

  • long drives on empty highways

  • refreshing my emails (this is not a good obsession, i do not recommend)

🥮 what have you been dreaming about?

my dreams have been a little stressful. not nightmares, just very quotidien worries whereas my day dreams have all been dreadfully fanciful.

🥮 what song(s) has best represented your mood for the month?

i recently discovered this mongolian folk metal band called the hu. been listening to their song wolf totem – it’s just so cool and has this crazy gravitas to it. I primarily listen to mixes and apartment life x shifa ligero mix has been on repeat.

🥮 what’s something you’ve learned this month?

writing requires time and space. plus, consistency.

as always,

be well

do good work


keep in touch.



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